
Create a redemption transaction

Token redemption refers to the process of converting the STAS token satoshis back into native BSV satoshis, which essentially destroys the STAS token. To perform this operation, a single STAS UTXO input is required, and the resulting output is in the form of a regular pay-to-public-key-hash output. By default, the unlocked satoshis are always sent to the issuer address of the token, which is known as the redemption address and can be found in the token script as the first element after the OP_RETURN. This function will take the typical arguments as follows:

const redeemHex = await stasRedeem.signed(

After executing the function, you will receive a transaction hexadecimal representation that is now ready to be broadcasted to the miner.

The RedeemSplit function is designed to operate similarly to the redeem function, with an added parameter called "splitDestinations". This parameter specifies where the additional outputs of the transaction will be directed, much like the split function. It's worth noting that the total amount designated for split destinations will determine the number of satoshis redeemed from the STAS UTXO input. For example, if the STAS UTXO input contains 10 satoshis and the total output amount in the split destination array is 8, only 2 satoshis will be redeemed. The remaining satoshis will remain locked in STAS tokens and be sent to the new destination address(es).

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