Unsigned Transactions

Sign a transaction externally

The unsigned features for the functions are the most advanced feature available in the library. It will create unsigned versions of the transactions and return an array of unsigned data for each input in the transaction that is not yet signed. This feature is designed to be used for wallets that may require external signatures such as web browser wallets. The current format of data returned by this function is as follows :

const unsignedData = {
    unsignedData : [] // array of objects for each input in the transaction
    tx : tx // whole transaction object

unsignedData = [{
            inputIndex : number // index of the input being signed
            satoshis : number // satoshi converted to BN
            script : string // script buffer of the input
            sighash  : number // sighash flags for the input,
            publicKeyString : string // public key string of the input
            stas : boolean // indicating whether the input is stas type or not

The unsigned data can be used in conjunction with the BSV library to construct a valid signature for the input(s).

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