The Ecosystem
Explore the STAS token variations
STAS Templates
STAS tokens can be customized using a variety of templates, which allow users to input any relevant data that may be necessary for their specific use case. This customization feature enables users to tailor their STAS tokens to their precise requirements, making them versatile tools within the ecosystem. By allowing for precise tailoring of STAS tokens, users can ensure that the tokens meet their specific needs, whether that be for data management, atomic swaps, or other use cases within the ecosystem.
STAS-20 - A token template specifically designed for stable coins, this token possesses all the features of the original divisible token with some added unique features. Optionally an OP_RETURN output can be added to the transaction, which can support up to 63337 bytes, is useful for transaction notes, etc. Additionally, redemption is only possible by the issuer.
STAS-789 - This innovative design offers a non-divisible version of the STAS token that enables the addition of more data after each transfer. This token prohibits the deletion of previously added data, allowing only for the appendage of new information. This feature is also optional on this STAS token and use cases that may suit this token include but are not limited to data logging and supply chain management.
STAS-50 - The original STAS template has been expanded to accommodate more outputs in a single transaction. With a larger script size, the new token provides the same capabilities as the original but can now handle up to 50 outputs per transaction.
STAS-0 (legacy) - The original template of the library offers the option to make tokens either splittable or non-splittable during the contract and issuance stage. Non-splittable tokens are best suited for NFTs as they allow for custom data to represent unique digital assets. On the other hand, splittable tokens, commonly used for stablecoins, can be merged or split into multiple UTXOs. The redemption function for both types of tokens will return native BSV to the original contract address, as defined in the smart contract.
STAS Wallets wallet app (Fidorin) wallet wallet (limited to NFTs) wallet wallet wallet (limited to NFTs)
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